Calm crisis services, with a sense of urgency
New Associates Join Bernard & Associates
New Associates Join Bernard & Associates
Two new Associates join Bernard & Associates, P.C. in 2021!
Michael Hastilow, M.S. and Patricia Branham, M.Ed., R.N. join Bernard & Associates as counselors and crisis consultants.
Both completed internships with Bernard & Associates during their master's degree programs.
See their profiles on the Associates page.

Community Forum: Suicide in the Chattanooga Area
A Series of Listening Sessions
Community Forum: Suicide in the Chattanooga Area
A Series of Listening Sessions
Chattanooga Area Counties: Bledsoe, Bradley, Grundy, Hamilton, McMinn, Marion, Meigs, Polk, Rhea, Sequatchie

Strategic Response to Crisis
An International Critical Incident Stress Foundation Registered Course
Strategic Response to Crisis
An International Critical Incident Stress Foundation Registered Course
Asheville, NC
April 8-9, 2019
8:30 am - 5 pm daily
Contact: Ned.Fowler@msj.org for registration and more information.

We will be presenting during
We will be presenting during
15th World Congress
15th World Congress
of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
May 19-24, 2019 in Baltimore, MD
Our presentations include:
1. Hostage Prevention & CISM Protocols
Co-presenters include: Billy Jenson and Check Freedman
Pre-Conference Workshop all day Sunday, May 19
2. CISM for Journalists
Co-presenters include: Shannon Millsaps and Brad Huffines
3. LGBTQO Peer Crisis Support
Co-presenters include: Joseph Walker and Shannon Millsaps
4. Follow-Up After CISM Services
Co-presenter: CJ Caufield

Captive Audience, a Washington, D.C. based new firm training NGO employees, missionaries, humanitarian aid workers, journalists, airline crews, medical crews, and anyone traveling to dangerous areas without a background in combat and survival. They offer a multi tiered approach, which allows clients to customize the training option that truly suits their needs.
Sam D Bernard was recruited by Captive Audiences founders to develop and lead their Mental Health Services. This will encompass a variety of services:
1. Selecting and training other mental health professionals to attend and monitor each class's participants for abreactions during training.
2. Selecting and training unique mental health professionals to accompany the recovery/rescue teams.
3. Facilitate referral of recovered abductees to local mental health professionals in the abductee's home area.

Sam D. Bernard, Ph.D. receives "Employee Assistance Specialist - Clinical" (EAS-C) designation from the International Employee Assistance Professional Association. (eapassn.org)
The EAS-C is a valuable resource for EAP network managers looking for qualified mental health professionals who provide employee assistance services to EAP vendors. EAP services are delivered more effectively when the EAP provider has a special working knowledge of the reasons why companies provide EAP services, the unique features of EAP assessments, the EAP's unique focus on improving job performance and the differences between psychotherapy and EAP services.
As of December 2017, Sam is one of only 6 mental health professionals in Tennessee who has achieved this designation.

Join Us During Our “Open Office”
Friday, May 12, 2017
2-7 pm
Light Refreshments Provided
May 5, 1997 Bernard & Associates, P.C. was Chartered as an “S” Corporation

Donna Green and Family
Cordially Invites You to Attend
"A Celebration for Raymond"
Missing but Not Forgotten
Sponsored by People Finding People 360
Sunday November 1, 5-7pm
Chop House Restaurant
Gunbarrel Road
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Open to the Public, Everyone is Welcome!
Donations to the PAR Foundation are Graciously Accepted.

Sam Bernard and Matt Stanislao, NY Police Officer and MSSW student at Columbia University staff a booth at The Gathering of Friends in Orlando after the deadly terrorist shooting at the Pulse Nightclub to assess the interest in a GLBTQO Crisis Response Team. Much interest and great ideas were discussed.

Bernard & Associates, P.C. Responds to Chattanooga Shootings
Bernard & Associates, P.C. Responds to Chattanooga Shootings
The shootings on July 17, 2015 that claimed the lives of 5 US servicemen started just 2 blocks from the offices of Bernard & Associates, P.C. where the Recruiting Offices of all branches of the US Military are located. Sam Bernard, PhD and colleagues, quickly sprang into action initiating their own internal Incident Command System that allowed them to organize quickly. Within hours B&APC had opened and staffed a "Drop-In Center" in their 3rd floor conference room - announcing it as a Respite Space for those needing a break from the overwhelming stimulation of the day's events.
B&APC was quickly approached by Chattanooga and Hamilton County's new Family Justice Center to partner with them in behavioral health service provision. Sam was asked to lead the city's behavioral health response and coordinating mental health professionals who were volunteering their time to assist those effected.
Sam was contacted by CNN, MSNBC and HeartWise Ministries for interviews and provided multiple interviews locally and internationally.
B & A PC assisted with debriefings for law enforcement families of officers who responded to the two locations of the shootings and led the debriefing with civilian employees of the Chattanooga Police Department.
Sam also taught a 3-day Critical Incident Stress Management at the Family Justice Center for local clinicians and concerned citizens on how to provide psychological crisis intervention with individuals and groups.